Adventures with Luqqie Bee!

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When baby gets sick January 14, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — ummuluqman @ 1:38 am

I think its about time i share some things here. Alhamdulillah 1 year with Luqqie Bee, he has been in the pink of health except for 1-2 occassions. My son does not have a specific paeds doctor, altho we have visited one Dr A at TTDI, whose service is so-so, fees is so-so and waiting is long! I would not recommend him 100% but if i need a quick check i would go to him. I still wish there is a more convenient paeds clinic in the neighbourhood.
When our son was a couple of months old he had eczema, not a serious one, but being the Mommy i am, i googled and found a Paeds Dermotologist at DSH. This lady doctor had so many patients but i have to say she was reallly good. Her prescribed creams worked wonderfully and i have recommended her to many friends with kids.
But for Luq’s normal check ups and vaccinations i took him to our resident Klinik Ibu TTDI. I dont have any problems here and their checks are fair and in line with MOH. What more can i ask for when there is free services. They have no qualms if the grandma takes the baby instead of the mom. The clinic altho a govt one, is fairly clean and hygenic.
1-2 times we needed a paed to check Luq’s cold and cough and we have come to a habit of visiting the paeds emergency at UH. Of course after 5pm we go straight to emergency and although the wait can be long, but we have been very happy with the services given to our baby. They have all the facilities to check a baby, even for a mild cough they will cek baby’s oxygen level, weight and tempreture. I know some private paeds dont even do this simple ceks!
Luqqie Bee was born in UH hence its quite easy when the hospital has all his records. If any emergencies oocured the doctors and nurses are trained to know what to do and have enough facilities. That is the comfort i get visiting the paeds hospital altho waiting can be tiring. The medicines prescribed also seem to work wonderfully on my son and his cough was cleared within 2 days. In any event if a baby does not get cured, we are instructed to come back for the doctor to run more tests.
Financially i dont know how much the paeds charge because i work with the government myself and kids get free medical services at govt hospitals. But i am pretty confident they dont charge as much as private paeds. ANd i feel that since its free we might as well use it and make the best out of it. I really cannot understand people who can use free services from public hospitals refusing to use them, instead opt to pay for private services, but at the end of the day complain about their hefty fees. I think its a choice, and if you choose to pay for better environment (and shorter queu) you shoudl just pay and not complain. The choice is really the parents’. if you choose a public hospital, then like us too, you must endure the wait and some things are just not ‘red carpet’.
For now, i am happy that my son’s health is ok, and in cases of emergencies we know where to go and not worry at all about how much the paed will charge!


One Response to “When baby gets sick”

  1. Mumy Sue Says:

    I know that doc from DS, she was from SJMC..really good! Well said post dear. I agree bout the complaint dept, the docs either public or private work really hard. I do not envy them at all but have utmost respect for the patience.

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